To contact us:

Phone: 962-6-582-4421
Fax: 962-6-582-4421






The Construction Services Center (CSC) seminars are intended for individuals, companies and governmental institutions that want to be exposed to modern, conventional and international professional construction practices.



Seminars are specifically catered to the needs of:


             Architects/Engineers                            ■ Construction managers

           Real Estate Developers                       Subcontractors

           Governmental Departments                  Building suppliers







CSC seminars are prescheduled on rotating bases with limited seating. To insure a seat on the next available seminar for the topic of your choice, please make a reservation at our office. CSC can also conduct special training seminars for groups of five or more.


CSC is constantly adding and updating our seminar selections please either visit our web site regularly or contact our office for the latest seminars available.


All of the CSC Seminars are conducted in fluent English – please contact our office if your company (group of five or more) require the seminar to be given in Arabic.


Should your company need to have the seminars conducted outside of Jordan please contact our office directly for schedule availability and pricing (for outside of Jordan a minimum of five attendees is required.)






Seminars Currently Available:


■  Construction Documents – This seminar looks at all the documents used within the construction project and discusses their proper usage. Sample documents will also be issued.

This is a one day seminar – Cost 250JD or 350USD


  Building Contracts – A seminar on construction contracts. Differentiates the various contracts, contract payment types and describes the various legal clauses (what to use and what to avoid).

      This is a one day seminar – Cost 360JD or 500USD


Building Specifications - Understanding the principles, procedures and applications of building specifications.

This is a one day seminar – Cost 360JD or 500USD


  Construction Management Basics – An excellent seminar for anyone entering the Construction Management profession or would like to familiarize himself with an overview of the profession.

This is a one day seminar – Cost 360JD or 500USD


Construction Management Professional – A seminar on the proper policies and procedures to follow on large building projects.

This is a two day seminar – Cost 535JD or 750USD


  Construction Scheduling Basics - A seminar that discusses the various types of building schedules and when to use each type. The seminar also shows the participant how to read and prepare each type of schedule and exposes various strategies that can be used when making the schedules.

This is a one day seminar – Cost 250JD or 350USD


Construction Scheduling Advanced – The seminar primarily discusses CPM schedules, Precedence diagrams, and Resources loaded schedules. There will also be a Precedence diagram exercise.

This is a one day seminar – Cost 360JD or 500USD


Construction Scheduling Management and Administration – The seminar looks at management planning programs for schedules, as well as, the legal implications of construction schedules.

This is a one day seminar – Cost 360JD or 500USD


Construction Estimating – This seminar discusses the proper procedure for collecting and preparing the costs that will be summed in the final building cost estimate.

This is a one day seminar – Cost 360JD or 500USD


Construction Risk Management – A seminar on avoiding construction disputes, claims, and lawsuits.

This is a one day seminar – Cost 360JD or 500USD


  Real Estate Market and Feasibility Studies - This seminar shows how to conduct a proper Real Estate Market studies combined with how to calculate a proper building feasibility study to insure the success of the investment project.

This is a one day seminar – Cost 250JD or 350USD




CSC Certificate


With each successful participation and attendance each individual shall receive a CSC Certificate. The CSC Certificate is a display of assurance of the quality the attendant has received in his professional training with CSC.  




Please journey through the links on this web page to learn more about the services that CSC can provide for your company.


Construction Services Center

Bringing professionalism to the construction industry


Construction Services Center


Construction Services Center

CSC Seminars

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